
Way Huge WM25 Smalls STO Overdrive


Way Huge WM25 Smalls STO Overdrive

Availability: 1 in stock

SKU: WM25 Categories: ,

The Way Huge Smalls STO delivers smooth, silky overdrive that sounds like the purr of a freshly tuned-upmuscle car. The circuit that it’s based on has been a special secret passed around for years among Nashvillehonky tonks and recording studios like a nice charcoal-filtered whiskey. Rumors surround its introduction tothe scene, but any who’ve played it would agree on its ability to gradually butter up your tone while preservingthe fundamental character of your guitar and amp. When Mr. Jeorge Tripps got hold of one, he stuck his headunder the hood and tinkered for days on end without availing himself of sleep, or food, or water. Eventually,he emerged from his workshop with the STO, a reimagined version of the Nashville staple equipped with hisbeloved 4741 op-amp for an even smoother, more pillowy sound. 



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